Bringing another chain to our dungeon, this Rainbow Ring Chainmail Flogger has gorgeous link work with shiny 1 3/8" rings that add lovely color and weight to the fall ends. With the weight balanced between the flogger's 8" handle and its foot long falls, this brilliant piece has a total length of 23" from top clip to the rainbow ring ends. All handmade and masterly put together this chainmail flogger has what anyone who loves heavy impact needs.
With the chainmail providing you its first use of impact , to really steal the show with any of our chainmail pieces bring in a Violet Wand and Body Contact cable. Electrify your steel and expand your kit with a new multipurpose electro AND impact tool! Sensation to sensation, drag the rings edges down their back for some sharper points. Want all over tingles? Drag larger sections of the falls around your bottom to cover more area while having more contact!