Financial Sorcery: Magical Strategies to Create Real and Lasting Wealth

Financial Sorcery: Magical Strategies to Create Real and Lasting Wealth

The Dungeon Store
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 "As the owner of a metaphysical shop, I cannot tell you how many times customers come to me with questions about improving their finances. Financial Sorcery has just made my life easier, as I can now point them to a book that has solid information about mundane and magickal techniques that work. This book is real gold, not fool's gold, and I intend to make use of this treasure."--Ivo Dominguez, Jr., author of Casting Sacred Space and Spirit Speak


Use Magic to Create Real and Lasting Wealth

The life-changing book goes far beyond simple "money magic." This is a tome of a true financial sorcery that will show you how to ensure success no matter what life throws at you.

  • Stop using magic to fix emergency problems
  • Use times of economic uncertainty to create new opportunities rather than cause problems. 
  • Work joyfully with money as part of spiritual discipline rather than a necessary evil
  • Make offerings to help increase the flow of prosperity around you. 
  • Ditch old concepts and retrain your mind to make money in today's world.
  • Use the interplay pf macrio- and micro-enchantment to find jobs and get promoted. 
  • Deploy strategic sorcery to kill your debt
  • Create secondary income streams that will ensure continued revenue. 



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