Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Small Buisness Saturday Procrastinators Kinkmas Sale  The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Black 1
Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Small Buisness Saturday Procrastinators Kinkmas Sale  The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Black 2
Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Small Buisness Saturday Procrastinators Kinkmas Sale  The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Red  2
Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Small Buisness Saturday Procrastinators Kinkmas Sale  The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Red  1
 The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Black 1
 The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Black 2
 The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Red  2
 The Dungeon Store- E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin- Red  1

E-Stim Female Banana to Male Pin

The Dungeon Store
Regular price
Sale price
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This little adapter is a single Female Banana to adapt to a Male Pin.

Really bring the excitement with any of these new to us closeout E-Stim pieces. Please double check the sizes of your equipment since all of these items are final sale and limited quantity, once it's gone it's gone!

Sold only as an adult novelty Due to the nature of this product, no returns allowed if packaging is unsealed. Item is for use by consenting adults only as Novelty Items, Fashion Accessories, or Sexual Toys. We assume no responsibility for Unsafe, Improper, or Illegal use of these items. Please be Safe, Consensual, and always use Common Sense!

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