The Dungeon Store Violet Wand Conductive Rope Bundle
The Dungeon Store Violet Wand Conductive Rope Bundle - Red
The Dungeon Store Violet Wand Conductive Rope Bundle - Blue
The Dungeon Store Violet Wand Conductive Rope Bundle - Black
Conductive Rope

Conductive Rope

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Decorative Conductive Rope is so soft and easy to work with.  Your subject might even forget that they are wearing a conductive corset  Comes in 30 foot bundle with care instructions printed on the back of the label.  This oh so soft rope is ideal for tying rope corsets, using in your predicament bondage scenes or just as a great way to show off your Shibari skills.

Sold only as an adult novelty Due to the nature of this product, no returns allowed if packaging is unsealed. Item is for use by consenting adults only as Novelty Items, Fashion Accessories, or Sexual Toys. We assume no responsibility for Unsafe, Improper, or Illegal use of these items. Please be Safe, Consensual, and always use Common Sense!

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